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Modules > Structure of Modules

ECOLAB Economy and Labour World
Structure of Modules

The structure of all modules is the same:

1. Learning aims

The general aims for teaching and training sought in the work within the module will be outlined in what follows. We are concerned here with general objectives as they are defined by the groups working in the four participating countries without regard to individual national traits. More specific learning aims can only be defined in any given national and situational contexts.

2. Information relevant to the module topics (Theory)

Economists from the participating countries are the authors of the information relevant to the module topics; their contributions receive complete attribution. The readers receive in summarized form a general overview and practical advice. That is, what is aimed at here is not academic completeness in all its loving detail, but rather a presentation of facts, contexts and problems that those who deal in the general education classroom with economic themes related to work- and career-related topics should have some knowledge of. At the same time a certain academic rigor is aimed at: The programme may provide many a reader with some food for thought. The authors intend, however, to chart a negotiable course between academic complexity and general accessibility.

3. Teaching Material

The project intends to offer a collection from the participating countries of ideas and suggestions for the designing of formal teaching and career guidance. In addition to smaller and larger case studies and role playing drawn from practical life situations, suggestions for the designing of longer teaching units and projects, often connected to suggestions for pupils' independent work using the Internet and modern information- and communication techniques, are offered. Here the authors are individual teachers or groups of school trainees. The materials do not represent a subsidiary curriculum or a small course in the module topics. A rigorous system of this kind was not intended and also not possible, for national curricular planning primarily follows guidelines and customs that differ from each other in many ways. Nevertheless, the materials can prove useful specifically because of their differences, as the experiences gathered in ECOLAB demonstrate. Many a part permits the setting of new accents and the integration of individual situativ course planning.

4. Appendix

The appendix, consisting largely of Internet addresses, is designed to call attention to additional information and aids to independent work on the part of students. The appendix contains mostly national addresses and just a few international ones, in order to keep it short and practicable. The English versions of modules do not contain the appendices, because they are focused on the national situation.
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