Total number of publications: 27
Praški kvadrijenale i njegova izvedba
Kazaliště, year: 2013, volume: 51/52 2012
The Power of Images in Performance: Josef Svoboda's Scenography for Intolleranza 1960 at Boston Opera Company
Activating the Inanimate: Visual Vocabularies of Performance Practice, edition: Vyd. 1., year: 2013, number of pages: 10 s.
Costume and the Performing Body
The disappearing stage : reflections on the 2011 Prague Quadrennial, edition: Vyd. 1st ed., year: 2012, number of pages: 10 s.
Dokumentace k teorii scénografie Miroslava Kouřila
Year: 2012, type:
Donatella Barbieri - Encounters in the Archive
Theatralia/Yorick, year: 2012, volume: roč. 15, edition: č. 2
Miroslav Kouřil's theory of scenography in the archive materials : a research report
Theatralia. Revue současného myšlení o divadelní kultuře, year: 2012, volume: roč. 15, edition: č. 2
Prague Semiotic Stage - Revisited
Year: 2012, type:
Český divadelní kostým/Czech Theatre Costume
, year: 2011, number of pages: 62 s.
Divadlo Svoboda
Year: 2011, type:
Material and Immaterial Subcomponents : Vladimir Jindra's Contribution to Theory of Scenography
Year: 2011, type: