Otakar Zich revival: „Aesthetic of the Dramatic Art“ in English

  • 17 December 2024
    6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
  • kaFFe, Arna Nováka 1, Brno

We would like to invite all theatre professionals, aestheticians, theoreticians, and theatre lovers (and students too!) to meet the book you know. But you will surely learn something new about it. In 2024, Otakar Zich's Aesthetics of Dramatic Art was published in English translation. This is the culmination of the efforts of several generations of Czech theatre scholars to make this influential book of Czech theatre theory available to the world. The editors and translators - David Drozd, Pavel Drábek, and Tomáš Kačer - will present again and differently a book that is considered canonical, but since the translation of each work brings new questions, we must ask again: why do we appreciate Zich's Aesthetics? And why should our foreign colleagues be interested in it now?

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