Macht und Struktur der Herrschaft im Herzogtum Böhmen. Grundlagen, Legitimierung und zeitgenössische Vorstellungen

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Title in English Power and the Structures of Power in Ducal Bohemia. Foundation, Legitimation and Contemporary Ideas


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Macht und Spiegel der Macht. Herrschaft in Europa im 12. und 13. Jahrhundert von dem Hintergrund der Chronistik
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field History
Keywords Middle Ages; ducal Bohemia; power rule
Description Besides the ruling Přemyslid dynasty, several family clans (no more than two tens) influenced the public sphere of the ducal Bohemia in the tenth to twelfth centuries. This elite, small in number and interconnected by means of family relationships, assembled in diets that were crucial in terms of the election of a new ruler. The oaths of fealty and the gatherings of armed forces for the defense of the land boundaries also took place in these assemblies, which thus became political and legitimating keystones of the politically defined community of the Czechs.
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