Otázka slovinské národní identity v esejích Draga Jančara

Title in English The Question of Slovenian National Identity in Drago Jančar´s Essays


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Dialog kultur IX. Sborník příspěvků z mezinárodní vědecké konference, Hradec Králové 17.-18. ledna 2017
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Drago Jančar´s essays; Slovenian national identity; Central Europe; breakup of Yugoslavia
Description About the death of J. B. Tito and the advancing political crisis in Socialist Yugoslavia, the question of Slovenian national identity emerged (again) in the end of the 1980´s. Finding the past, worrying about their own future, but also an effort to gain independence and rejoin the Central Europe - these questions became the main issues that Slovenian opposition intellectuals, among them writters dealt with. The main representatives included Drago Jančar, one of the best-known Slovenian authors nowadays, who also dealt with the issues related to Slovenian national identity, state and "return" to Europe. The contribution presents selected Jančar's essays which focus on Slovenian national identity, the breakup of Yugoslavia and the concept of Central Europe, and explore the changes of author's approach to these topics.

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