Aspetti della prosodia nell'interlingua di apprendenti vietnamiti di italiano L2: un'ipotesi di trattamento task-based in contesto guidato

Title in English Aspects of prosody in the interlanguage of Vietnamese learners of Italian L2. A task-based treatment hypothesis in a guided context


Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Varieta dei contesti di apprendimento linguistico
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Second language acquisition; L2 Italian; Acquisition of intonation
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Description This chapter reports on the preliminary results of a research project on the acquisition of intonation in the interlanguage of Vietnamese learners of Italian as a second language. Particular attention is devoted to the melodic contours characterizing some interrogative structures, namely, yes-no questions and wh- questions. An empirical approach has been adopted, which aims at assessing the impact exerted by explicit language instruction in the acquisition of such structures. In particular, the linguistic performances of two groups of learners are compared: the experimental group was instructed specifically targeting the melodic features of Italian and using the so-called task-based language learning approach, whereas the control group was placed in a guided learning context in which no attention was explicitly paid to these features. Results show the greater effectiveness of a learning context based on the task-based method explicitly targeting intonational patterns.

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