Omnibus Omnia : The Reception of Socrates in Ante-Nicene Christian Literature



Rok publikování 2016
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Časopis / Zdroj Graeco-Latina Brunensia
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

www Digitální knihovna FF
Obor Filosofie a náboženství
Klíčová slova Socrates; reception; early Christian literature; epistemic justification; apologetics; miracles; morality; divine inspiration
Popis The figure of Socrates features prominently in the works of earliest Christian authors and their attempts to negotiate a viable relation between pagan intellectual tradition and the exigencies of a newly founded religion. The analysis of all relevant ante-Nicene Greek and Latin texts shows that early Christian writers reconstruct “Socrates” with a striking degree of interpretative freedom. Although it is impossible to establish a unified perspective on Socrates in these texts – let alone a positive one, as many previous commentators thought –, the interpretations of the Athenian sage are not entirely haphazard. I argue that they are heavily constrained by apologetic aims of early Christian authors and closely connected to epistemic justification of faith by means of miracles, superior moral behaviour, divine inspiration and prophecy, and, finally, the emphasis that is placed on the limitations of human, all too human, wisdom.
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