echo-Assignment module for Moodle ( This is a slightly extented version of the Assignment module that is included in standard Moodle distribution. What exactly is the extension? 1) Teachers can upload commented assignments back to Moodle, and 2) they can allow students to see each other's assignments if they find this option useful. In all other aspects (groups, backup/restore, calendar, upcoming events, logs), echo-Assignment works like the standard Assignment module. To INSTALL and/or UPGRADE echo-Assignment you need to: 1) download the compressed file '', 2) decompress it (there are two directories: 'lang' and 'mod' in it), 3) copy the contents of each of the two directories to the directories of the same name in your Moodle installation, 4) go to 'http://[yourmoodleinstallation]/admin' in you browser. The install/upgrade process of Moodle should take care of everything else. Compatibility: tested in Moodle 1.3.4+, should work in 1.4.x.