Department of English and American Studies


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Please note:

This is an old version of the web pages of the Department.
Please visit our new pages for up-to-date information.

General Information


Final Thesis: Guidelines

Follow the link Theses-Guidelines for more information.


You will learn what and when to register
in order to get through the demanding process of the writing of the final thesis,
both major or minor, both B.A. or M.A.

Read also: 
Dean's Regulations - §7
The Departmental Layout based on the official Faculty Layout (.doc file)

Essay Guidelines and Stylesheet


The .pdf document includes:

• The Deparment's rules, regulations and guidelines that you should follow when doing a written work.
• General information on essays.
• The style sheet.
• A sample essay.



How do you calculate your grade point average?

Grade point averages in this department are calculated as follows:
A (výborně or 1) is to be counted as 1 point;
B (výborně minus (1-) and velmi dobře plus (2+)) is to be counted as 1.5 points;
C (velmi dobře or 2) is to be counted as 2 points;
D (velmi dobře minus (2-) or dobře plus (3+)) is to be counted as 2.5 points; and
E (dobře or 3) is to be counted as 3 points.
The points for the marks should be added together and the total figure should then be divided by the number of courses (exams). The resulting figure is your grade point average.


Jana Nováková has the following marks:
6 marks of A/výborně, for a total of 6 points;
8 marks of B/ výborně minus or velmi dobře plus, for a total of 12 points;
9 marks of C/velmi dobře, for a total of 18 points;
2 marks of D/velmi dobře minus or dobře plus, for a total of 5 points;
1 mark of E/dobře, for a total of 3 points

This student has a total of 44 points from 26 exams, which makes her grade point average: 1.69

Expired news are to be found in the

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