Mgr. Petr Sucháček
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Note: This event is in Czech only
20. 11. 2024 (wednesday)
B2.22, B2.23, B2.24, Arna Nováka 1, Faculty of Arts MU
9:00 – 16:00
The third annual conference of the Office of e-Learning CIT FF MU is focused on sharing and exchanging experiences in the field of e-learning and teaching with the use of technology.
The meeting will be special because we will have 2 panel discussions. The topics will focus on the specifics of hybrid learning and well-being.
The event has already taken place. See photos from the event below.
Before the program starts, recharge with breakfast.
Come to hear what learners like or dislike about e-learning courses.
Moderator: Ingrid Procházková
Panelists: on behalf of teachers – Marek Mikeš, on behalf of students – Matěj Kunc, Matěj Johánek a Adéla Žídková
Refreshment break + E-learning Office section (ELF template to facilitate course creation, AI in ELF, How to e-Learn course, VR).
The description will be added.
Lunch break
Sharing experiences of using AI in the learning environment.
The lecturers will be: Lucie Racyn, Ivana Böhmová, Iva Jelínková
A short break during which you can refresh yourself, have a coffee or give a talk to the colleagues present.
The workshop will practically show how the requirements of the Methodological Sheet for Distance and Combined Learning at MU can be effectively fulfilled in the Elf environment. The lecturer will present specific procedures using examples of existing courses and allow participants to share their own approaches. The workshop is also suitable for developers of e-learning courses for full-time study.
The lecturer: Karla Brücknerová
A short break during which you can refresh yourself, have a coffee or give a talk to the colleagues present.
A discussion on how technology and well-being (don't) go together.
Moderator: Petr Sucháček
Panelists: Michal Černý, Alena Slezáčková, Zuzana Vařejková
The event has already taken place.
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