Dy tutsch kronik von behem lant
Wirt zcu rim hi wol bekant
The German chronicle of Bohemia - here
in rhymes you can hear.
(Fol 7ra Ms. G 45, Archive of the Prague Castle - Metropolitan Chapter Library; 1389)

Rhymed German translation of the Old Czech chronicle of so called Dalimil in the context of the Czech, Latin and German textual tradition – linguistic, literary and historical analysis; edition and commentary

Archiv Pražského hradu - Ms. G 45 with the source text
Czech Dalimil Chronicle (ČSR - Česká společnost rukopisná)
(freely available documents including the fragment of the Latin translation of Dalimil - Bibliographic Description)

Vokabulář webový
Mittelhochdeutsche Wörterbücher (BMZ, Lexer, Findebuch)
MittelHochDeutsche Begriffs-DatenBank
Deutsches Wörterbuch J. u. W. Grimm
Latin dictionary (Perseus)