Courses taught
Spring 2017 at Faculty of Arts
- Diploma Thesis Seminar - Master (NJPII_271, NJPII_284, UZNJ2015I, UZNJ2015II)
- Diplomas seminar - Bachelor
- Diplomas Thesis - Bachelor
- Diplomas Thesis - Master (NJI_28, NJPI_28)
- Doctoral exam
- Exploration II
- Final Exam - Bachelor
- Final Year Thesis - Bachelor
- Final Year Thesis - Master (NJI_282, NJPI_282)
- Final Year Thesis Seminar - Bachelor
- Final Year Thesis Seminar - Master
- Foreign Language I
- German morphology II,2
- Others scientifics Working II
- Publication, Presentation, Paper II
- Selected Lecture II
- Selected problems of linguistics
- Seminar - PGS - German Language II
- Seminar - PGS - German Language IV
- Seminar - PGS - German Language VI
- Seminar - PGS - German Literature II
- Seminar - PGS - German Literature IV
- Seminar - PGS - German Literature VI
- Scholarly publication
- Summary of the Thesis
- Thesis
- Thesis (PhD.)
- Working with the Text II
- Working with the Text IV
Autumn 2016 at Faculty of Arts
- Výběrová přednáška I (NJDSJ4_3, NJDSJ41, NJDSJ411, NJDSJ412, NJK31)
- Arts of the scientific working I
- Contrastiv Linquistics I
- Dependency syntax
- Diploma Thesis Seminar - Master (NJII_271, NJII_284, NJPII_271, NJPII_284, UZNJ2015I, UZNJ2015II)
- Diplomas seminar - Bachelor
- Diplomas Thesis - Bachelor
- Diplomas Thesis - Master (NJI_28, NJPI_28)
- Doctoral Exam
- Exploration I
- Exploration III
- Final Exam - Bachelor
- Final Year Thesis - Bachelor
- Final Year Thesis Master (NJI_288, NJPI_288)
- Final Year Thesis Seminar - Bachelor
- Final Year Thesis Seminar Master (NJII_281, NJPII_281)
- Foreign Language I
- German morphology II
- German syntax I
- German word order compared to Czech
- Linquistics I
- Others scientific working I
- Publication, Presentation, Paper I
- Seminar - PGS - German Language
- Seminar - PGS - German Language III
- Seminar - PGS - German Language V
- Seminar - PGS - German Literature I
- Seminar - PGS - German Literature III
- Seminar - PGS - German Literature V
- Special lecture
- Summary of the Thesis
- Thesis
- Working with the Text I
- Working with the Text III
Spring 2016 at Faculty of Arts
- Odborná publikace (NJDSJ41, NJDSJ412, NJDSJ414, NJK31)
- Aggregate Exam in german
- Arts of the scientific Working II
- Contrastive Linguistics II
- Course in practical translation
- Diploma Thesis Seminar - Master (NJII_271, NJII_284)