Reverse logistics: relationship between planning, strategy and profitability


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ŠKAPA Radoslav

Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference CLC 2012 - Congress Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Management and administrative
Keywords Reverse flows; reverse logistics; planning system; strategy; empirical research
Attached files
Description The empirical research provides evidence that companies plan the activities related to reverse flows diversely; some companies formulate strategic plans for this field, others specify tactical or operational plans only, and significant part of companies plan no reverse flows at all. Similarly, the strategic focus on reverse flows varies among companies in terms of its intensity and content. The article provides a piece of outcomes of an empirical research conducted among companies operating on Czech market. On the sample of 148 firms, a regression analysis was calculated to answer the question if the strategic aims and the formal planning of reverse flows are related to profitability of reverse logistics activities. The finding supports literature resources that provide either theoretical or empirical support of the existence of such relationships.
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