Alois Mikulka – Zátiší.


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Arts. It includes Faculty of Science. Official publication website can be found on
Title in English Alois Mikulka - Seclusion.

MALINA Jaroslav

Year of publication 2012
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description Besides free creations of a painter and sculptor (including the realisation of many wooden and stone sculptures for public grounds in connection with architecture, especially in the buildings of kindergartens) Mikulka wrote and illustrated more than 30 books, mainly for children and youth, and illustrated tens of books of their authors. Though every field of his activity would be quite enough for the whole life, he – thanks to his inventiveness, creative energy and self-discipline – proved to be on the level of this wideness, and out of his enclave – State Louis (that is a sovereign territory of the grotesque imagination and plus surrealism) has been steadily – in a significant way – enriching the Czech culture in all the above-mentioned spheres of activity more than five decades.

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