Cyrilometodějské oslavy ve Vídni (1708–1783): pozapomenutá reprezentace Moravy v sídelním městě monarchie

Title in English The Feast of Saint Cyrill and Method in Vienna (1708–1783): an forgotten representation of Moravia in early modern period

MAŇAS Vladimír

Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Vlastivědný věstník moravský
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Art, architecture, cultural heritage
Keywords Cyrill and Method; Vienna
Description Since 1708 feast of Saints Cyril and Methodius as a Moravian national festival of its kind (Mährisches Nationfest) was celebrated in Vienna in St Michael’s Church every year with great pomp. At first, it was celebrated on Sunday on the nearest date of the original feast on 9th March, i.e. always in time of fasting. Starting with 1750 the celebration gained even more shine, because it was shifted until Easter. An end to this tradition put reforms of Joseph II, which meant abolition of these national holidays (Nationsfeste) together with religious brotherhoods, significant restriction of pilgrimages and the overall regulation of worship. Cyril and Methodius celebrations in Vienna were probably the most important tool how to highlight the margraviate bonded in hands of Habsburg hereditary lands. Moravian community, however, had undoubtedly also the meaning of not very institutionalized, all the more important network interconnecting Moravian nobles, prelates, clergy. and artists and citizens. Celebrating and solemn preachers were primarily thought to increase the prestige of the very celebrations and often at the same time, or rather because of it, these were Moravians of the highest ecclesiastical circles.
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