Creating and developing the pedagogical content knowledge of novices teaching English for Specific Purposes at Czech universities


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Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Education and languages in Europe, vol. 17
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords teacher professional development; pedagogical content knowledge; university teacher; novice teacher; English for Specific Purposes
Description During the last few decades, Europe has been undergoing changes in the area of higher education with increasing attention to the learning of languages, particularly English. In the Czech Republic, the situation of the university novices teaching English for Specific Purposes (ESP) is very demanding as their previous education has mostly prepared them just for teaching English for General Purposes (EGP) at upper secondary schools. Therefore, the objective of the intended research is to describe the complicated process of creating and developing the university teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) during the first three years of teaching ESP. The contribution deals with the planned mixed methods research methodology consisting of narrative interviews followed by electronic questionnaires.
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