Pravidla výkladu legislativních zkratek a vybraných gramatických jevů v římskoprávním oddílu Příručky práva městského Jana z Gelnhausenu

Title in English Rules of interpretation and legislative shortcuts selected grammar in Roman law section of the Handbook city rights from Jana of Gelnhausen


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Studia historica Brunensia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web Digitální knihovna FF MU
Field Law sciences
Keywords Příručka práva městského; Jan from Gelnhausen; interpretation; rules of interpretation; Digest; Roman law; municipal law; Brno; Middle age
Description This paper focuses on selected rules of interpretation in Příručka práva městského, which were taken from Digest incorporated into this text by Jan from Gelnhausen, an author of this legal monument. These rules represent, together with other sentences, a large corpus of legal maxims, which is called De regulis iuris et de verborum significatione. This title corresponds with the two final titles of 50th book in Digest. Author of this paper focus on the rules of interpretation of specific nouns, which are in modern legal theory called legislative abbreviations. In addition, attention was also given to the interpretation of grammatical features, which can not be interpreted only from a linguistic point of view, but also in connection with their legal aspect. Both of these rules of interpretation have one thing in common – the need to simplify the legal text.

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