Expressivité vs identité dans les langues: aspects contemporains des argots

Title in English Expressivity versus identity in languages: contemporary aspects of slangs


Year of publication 2015
Type Editorship of scientific publication
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Modern definitions of slang (in French tradition called “argot(s)“) focus on both expressive and identitary functions. The volume contains twenty-three francophone contributions dealing with issues related to slang in ten European languages. It is divided into eight sections: General “slangology“ (Argotologie générale); Slang and jargon; Slang and lexicography; Slang and education; Slang and politics; Slang and literature; Slang and translation; and Slang on stage. The individual papers address such diverse topics as Georgian/French school slang, rare initial letters in French slang dictionaries and slang in public discourses (radio, theater, music, blogs). The volume also contains a French translation of Marie Krčmová’s study on hantec, the sociolect of Brno.
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