Racionalita, citové poznání a problém pravdivosti ve filosofii Františka Mareše

Title in English Rationality, Emotional Cognition and Problem of Truth in Philosophy of František Mareš


Year of publication 2016
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Czech idealist philosopher František Mareš (1857-1942) wrote about two kinds of human cognition: scientific (based on senses and rationality) and emotional. Mareš (influenced by Immanuel Kant) became radical conventionalist: Natural Sciences are Limited by a priori forms of human knowledge and they are not able to fully capture the reality. Their findings are indeed practically useful and help the orientation of man in the world, but they does not provide adequate and complete understanding. Mareš exceeds Kant with concept of emotional knowledge, which affects inner (ideal) nature of reality. However, the truth of emotional knowledge can not be fully accessible to human reason, which is limited to their own priori forms. Thus we are not able to give their hundred percent conclusive evidence, nor fully understand. In my paper I will deal with the relationship and truth-status of both kinds of knowledge.
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