Obraz, text a ulice Brna: možnosti meziborové interpretace Timova díla

Title in English Image, Text and the Streets of Brno: Possible Intermedial Intepretations of TIMO´s Works


Year of publication 2016
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The paper focuses on the work of street artist TIMO and shows how his works should be interpreted by means of multiple academic fields. The point of this paper is to point out that Timo´s work should not be interpreted only as a visual art and seen only through its optics. Considering the fact that Timo works with language which he puts into a visually significant form and places his work to public space, his works should be interpreted by combination of several fields respecting all parts of Timo´s work. In this case the focus is drewn to the relationship between textual and visual layer of Timo´s works. The introduction of the paper is focused on a brief theoretical background, however, its core covers mainly practical interpretations of chosen works based on the introduced interpretation key.
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