Žalmista Karel Hlaváček

Title in English Psalmist Karel Hlaváček


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Mezinárodní doktorandská konference "Staré a Nové. Staré jako východisko či překážka?"
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Mass media, audiovision
Keywords Karel Hlaváček; decadence; psalms; bible; spiritual poetry
Description The study focuses on a poetry collection named Žalmy (Psalms) by decadent artist Karel Hlaváček and on its reception. The collection is compared with biblical psalms to get to know if it can be read as a proof of Hlaváček´s conversion. This question divided well-known critics in that time, but the text analysis as well as more recent approaches to the history of literature reveal the relationship between decadence and Christianity is more complicated.
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