Two Standard and Two Modal Squares of Opposition

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Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference The Square of Opposition: A Cornerstone of Thought
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Philosophy and religion
Keywords square of opposition; modal logic; intensional logic; existential import; partiality
Description In this study, we examine modern reading of the Square of Opposition by means of Tichý's Transparent intensional logic. Explicit use of possible world semantics helps us to sharply discriminate between standard and modal readings of categorial statements. We thus get two basic versions of the Square, whereas the Modal Square has not been fully introduced in the contemporary debate yet. Some properties ascribed by mediaeval logicians to the Square require a shift from its Standard to Modal version. Not inevitably, because for each of the two squares there exists its mate which can be easily confused with it. We thus investigate four distinct squares. The discrimination between the initial and modified versions of the Standard and Modal Square leads to better knowledge of the Square as well as a solution of various puzzles often mentioned in recent literature.
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