Knihovna modřické fary

Title in English The Modřice Parsonage Library


Year of publication 2017
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The Modřice parsonage library contains some remarkable works. Above all, there is a fragment of a copy of a manuscript by Peter Comestor called Biblical History (Biblická dějeprava) from the end of 13th century. There is also a manuscript of a small handbook Liber missarum specialis probably from 1489/1490. In the library has been preserved a part of the work On Christian Faith and Religion Five Books (O víře a náboženství křesťanským patero kněh) written by the local priest and writer of the Czech origin František Pernsteiner from 1784. There used to be much higher number of works from the period before 1800 but today there are only little more than ten.

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