Úvod do dějin starověku; Dějiny a kultura civilizací staroorientálního typu; Dějiny a kultura starých evropských civilizací, antického Řecka, Říma a doby velkého stěhování národů; Dějiny křesťanství v antice

Title in English Introduction into Ancient History; History of Ancient Oriental Civilizations; History of Ancient European Civization, Greece and Rome; Great Migration of Peoples; History of Christianity in Antiquity


Year of publication 2018
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The Chapters written by Jarmila Bednaříková content the introduction to the study of Ancient history, the history and culture of the civilizations of Oriental type (Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Syria and Palestine, Anatolia and the states in the South of Arabian Peninsula) further is devoted to the civilization of the same type in Europe (Minoean and Mycenaean civilization), to the Ancient Greece and Rome and to the period of the great migration of peoples. Incorporated is also the history of Christianity in Antiquity and the examples of six chosen ancient sources with presentation of their authors and with interpretation.
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