Bosna a Hercegovina v ideologii chorvatských ustašovců

Title in English Bosnia and Hercegovina in the Ideology of the Croatian Ustashe


Year of publication 2008
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The paper characterizes the role of Bosnia and Hercegovina (BaH) in the ideology of the Ustasha Movement since its establishment at the beginning of the 1930s until the period of its adherents' reign over the Independent State of Croatia (1941-1945) during the the World War II. Historic, ethnic and geographic arguments elaborated by the Ustashe with the intention to substantiate their claim to the territory of BaH are presented on the basis of documents, treatises and articles written by prominent Ustashe and journalists supporting their platform or political regime. Particular attention is paid to the conceptualization of the Bosnian Muslims as an integral part of Croatian nation and to the characterization of a strategy employed by the Ustashe in order to induce the Bosnian Muslims' Croatian national self-identification and to gain their support for political objectives pursued by the Ustashe. The absurd, totalitarian and rascist nature of the Ustashe ideology and policy towards BaH and its Muslim inhabitans is revealed.

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