Provinzialrömische Zwiebelknopffibeln in Ostböhmen und Bemerkungen zum Fund aus Prag-Šárka

Title in English Roman Provincial Crossbow Fibulae with onion shaped knobs in Eastern Bohemia and notes on the find from Prague-Šárka


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Auf den Spuren der Barbaren - archäologisch, historisch, numismatisch : (Archäologie der Barbaren 2015)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Roman provincial crossbow fibulae with onion shaped knobs; Late Roman Period; Eastern Bohemia; Praha-Šárka
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Description Paper evaluates finds of the fibulae with the onion shaped knobs (roman provincial origin) from East Bohemia. Some of the finds which are stored in the collections of Museum of Eastern Bohemia and National museum were briefly published in the past. Purpose of this paper is new evaluation and interpretation of the artefacts in context of Late Roman findings in East Bohemia. Part of this article is focused on the publication of fibula from Praha-Šárka, which have been published only in text until now.
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