Beijing-Style Soft Power : A Different Conceptualisation to the American Coinage


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FLIEGEL Michal KŘÍŽ Zdeněk

Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source China Report
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Web článek v databázi SAGE
Keywords China; America; soft power; conceptualisation; projection; indexes
Attached files
Description This article examines China’s unique soft power conceptualisation, which differs from the American coinage. It contributes to the existing literature by demonstrating how soft power is theorised by Chinese academicians and policymakers in a distinct way. That means, according to China’s own tradition, predating the term. Unlike in America, where soft power is largely developed freely, in China, it is highly centralised. As a rising power, the People’s Republic initially concentrates on building domestic soft power, primarily through socialist culture and virtuous governance. These are in turn displayed to the outside world. Beijing uses multiple channels to tell the China story and has been setting up international platforms to portray itself as a responsible global actor. Several soft power indexes show that China holds a relatively positive image in Africa and South America. In Asia, views are mixed, while in Europe and North America, they remain low.

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