P. J. Šafarik, A. Mickevič i koncepcija russkoj literatury: u kolybeli literaturovedčeskoj slavistiki

Title in English P. J. Šafařík, A. Mickiewicz and the Conception of Russian literature: at the Cradle of Slavonic Literary Studies


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Adam Mickiewicz i Rosjanie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Šafařík/Šafárik; comparative history of Slavonic literatures; Adam Mickiewicz; axiological axis; Slavonic literatures; Russian literature
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Description The author of the present study compares the two roots of international literary Slavonic studies connected with the conceptions of the development of Russian literature, especially the famous German work created by the Slovak philologist and historian, otherwise writing mainly in Czech Pavel Josef Šafařík/Šafárik and the well-known lectures of Adam Mickiewicz in College de France, also demonstrating a wider context of Slavonic studies including the Czech works by Jan Máchal, Jiří Horák, and Frank Wollman.

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