Neobjavljena propovijed Stjepana Moysesa iz vremena njegova djelovanja u Zagrebu
Title in English | Unpublished Sermon of Stjepan Moyses Written During His Stay in Zagreb |
Authors | |
Year of publication | 2020 |
Type | Article in Proceedings |
Conference | Med Hrvati stanak moj! Zbornik radova o Stjepanu Moysesu (1797–1869) |
MU Faculty or unit | |
Citation | |
web | Odkaz na oficiálny web Matice chorvátskej |
Keywords | Štefan Moyses; The Sermon; Zagreb; canonist; censor; sacred speech; Gospel according to St. Luke |
Description | Our contribution is devoted to previously unpublished Croatian written Sermon, which was found in the archive of Matica slovenská in the fund of Štefan Moyses with the signature M76 E22, under the title of the Sermons with 137 pages. In particular, this Sermon was not quite complete, so we had to organize and search for the list. Found sermon contains 12 letters, written in the manuscript of Stephen Moyses, in the introduction and conclusion we learn from a Latin-written note that it was a holy speech from Zagreb on the occasion of the sixteenth Sunday of 1849. This discipline should complete the collection of Moyses’s Sermons, published by Fr. Richard Osvald in 1897 in Ruzomberok. However, it was exclusively about the period spent in Banská Bystrica, in the Slovak language. Our found Sermon is written in Croatian language. It dates in 1849, as I have already mentioned, in this time Moyses held a post-canon in Zagreb and most probably served his masses there. |
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