Cesta rozvoje pedagogických kompetencí – od jednoho semináře k systému podpory

Title in English The Path Towards Pedagogical Competencies: from a Single Seminar to a Comprehensive Support System


Year of publication 2021
Type Requested lectures
Description I first started teaching preservice university teachers in the Autumn Semester 2013. I have not stopped since then and with everything I do in this area I try to forward what the subtitle of this conference calls the development of competencies relevant to life and practice in the 21st century. In my keynote I would like to reflect on my path and the development of my approach to the education of preservice teachers. This path has been fairly diverse starting with me teaching a single university course to the efforts to innovate teacher education at the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk university (MU), to the foundation of the Pedagogical Competence Development Centre (CERPEK MU), and finally to my current position as the head of Open Call, a programme to support innovation in preservice teacher education. I will though mostly focus on the development, beginnings and workings of CERPEK MU. The main part of my keynote will be devoted to practical and philosophical tools that have been paramount in helping us establish an innovative and functional Centre at the core of a traditional institution. I will of course speak about the failings, mistakes and slip-ups that moved us forward on the path to better teacher support. However, my goal here is not to show off our achievements or to give out recipes for a sure success. My goal is to inspire your thinking about the actions you can take at your current positions to forward innovation. I will also point out who and what to support and what to look out for. Good news is that we know where to start. A somewhat less good news is that this path is hard, requires a lot of effort and the goal is still far-fetched. Yet it is a goal worth pursuing. So pack up your inspiration, take along good company and let’s set out on this next leg of the journey together!

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