Learner Autonomy (Self-) assessment: What to use instead of a "placement test"?


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Arts. It includes Language Centre. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.


Year of publication 2022
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Language Centre

Description To know where the students stand, what their language level is and what skills they have already mastered is considered to be crucial both for the students and for their teacher at the beginning of a language course. When thinking about autonomous learning settings, it is just as important to know about the students´ learner autonomy level. Since learner autonomy can be defined as a meta competence (Tassinari, 2010), it is useful to assess specific competences that the students have when they enter autonomous learning scenarios. Even more importantly, it is helpful to identify those competences that the students lack. This presentation discusses tools and procedures that can be applied to (self-) assess students´ abilities to manage their learning, especially their ability to plan and evaluate their learning process. Using a case study, differences between how the competences are self-assessed by the student, perceived by the advisor and demonstrated in student´s work are shown. The aim of the presentation is to suggest that determining students´ learner autonomy level successfully could work as a good “placement test”, and thus, help students to learn further more efficiently.

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