Na počátku byl domov : Fenomén domova jako inspirační zdroj jednání některých členů Opus bonum

Title in English In the beginning there was a home : the phenomenon of home as a source of inspiration for the actions of some of the members of Opus Bonum

BAKEŠ Ondřej

Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Studia historica Brunensia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web webové stránky časopisu
Keywords Opus Bonum; exile; home; Anastáz Opasek; Vladimír Neuwirth; Petr Spielmann
Description For the exiles, who were active co-workers of the exile organization Opus Bonum, the phenom-enon of the home was one of the most important issues in life. We will examine how this fact influenced the attitudes of the Opus Bonum meeting’s participants. We are interested in how much it was a conscious or, on the contrary, unreflected inspiration and whether its application in different social positions differs. We will outline the influence of the idea of a happy home on further work in exile on the examples of the priest Anastáz Opasek, lay Catholic activist Vladimír Neuwirth and art theorist Petr Spielmann.
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