Ritual'naja funkcija piva v udmurtskom rodil'nom obrjade "nuny šuan"

Title in English The Ritual Function of Beer in the Udmurt Birth Rite "nuny shuan"


Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Istoričeskoje věče : problemy istorii i archeologii : sbornik statej Vserossijskoj s meždunarodnym učastijem naučnoj konferencii molodych učenych, 10. – 11. 2. 2022, Velikij Novgorod
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Web https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=54017976
Doi http://dx.doi.org/10.34680/978-5-89896-850-2/2023.veche.07
Keywords Udmurts; beer; rituals; Finno-Ugrians; traditional drinks
Description The life of Udmurts is defined by the ritual complex of “three weddings” (birth, wedding, funeral), which creates the transition to a new social role. The first wedding is the birth rite of “nuny shuan” (wedding of a newborn), during which the infant acquires a name and also gains its position in the village society. The moment of transition from the incomprehensible world to ours is accompanied by many ceremonies and magical actions. In this abstract, the author characterizes such a phenomenon as the ritual of the first of three weddings in the Udmurt society and analyses the role of beer as a traditional ritual drink in the culture of the Finno-Ugric peoples. Beer is used in most Udmurt rituals, but it is the “three weddings” that most clearly reveal the dual nature of beer, blurring the boundaries between the sacred and the secular, between the mythological and contemporary worlds.
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