Za sjednocenou Evropu. Z myšlenek a programů Huberta Ripky

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Title in English For United Europe. Hubert Ripka's Ideas and Concepts

GONĚC Vladimír

Year of publication 2004
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Hubert Ripka as a journalist, scientific worker and diplomat among czechoslovak europeanist reformers during the 20's and 30's. Ripka's europeanist ideas in the war exile in London, Ripka's participation on foreign policy concept of the czechoslovak exile government. Ripka's ideas and programmes in exile after 1948, cooperation with Hungarian and Polish exiles. Ripka's "new federalism". Project of Central European federation. Ripka's memoranda for the American State Department for the British Foreign Office, for the French Ministry of International Affairs, for the interational non-governmental organisations, etc. "Ripka's plan". The German question in Ripka's projects. "Russia and Europe" in Ripka's concept.
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