Česko-slovenský vztah v exilových diskusích počátkem padesátých let

Title in English Czech-Slovak relation in exile discussions at the beginning of 1950s

GONĚC Vladimír

Year of publication 2006
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Proffered work and document focused on two key and at the same time typologically wholly different discussions. It was on the one hand in the covering political organisation of Czech-Slovak exile, i.e. the Council of Free Czechoslovakia, on the other hand in a purely intellectual manner in an article trying to establish an exile research centre for social and politic sciences - Edvard Beneš Institute in London. The first discussion level deals with the problem in a mainly political way, including even neurotic reactions. The second discussion level is characterised by careful effort to strip the discussion of the politics and to make it as matter-of-fact as possible and furthermore, to engage in the objective discussion even people who are rather unshankably disinclined to agree to participate in it.
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