Studie k dokladům českých místních jmen na -any v 11.-13. století

Title in English Czech settlers place names ending in "-any" during the 11-13th centuries


Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Funkce - funkčnost - funkcionalismus
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Linguistics
Keywords Place-Names; Onomastic; Toponyms
Description The article deals with one specific type of Czech place names, namely with so-called settlers names ending in -any (Dolany, Nemojany) in present-day Czech. The focus of the analysis is in spreading of the locative plural ending "-as" that can be found in some of the oldest materials from the 11-13th centuries, eg Plaňas, Lužas. Conclusions resulting from the analysis deal with circumstances that might have influenced the occurrence and preservation of this specific grammatical feature.

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