Porýnská společnost

Title in English Society along the Rhine

GONĚC Vladimír

Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Slezský sborník. Acta Silesiaca
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field History
Keywords Upper Rhine Land; Saar-Lor-Lux; Teschen Land; North Bohemia with Lusatia; European integration; transborder regions
Description As the result of the European integration, the Rhine became the axis of both extraordinarily intensified economy and forming of large transborder regions with far reaching social and cultural changes. The examples of the Upper Rhine and SaarLorLux regions are used to present institutional tools, consequences of actual cooperation, and forming the sense of mutual unity and common cultural values. Similar questions of social and cultural changes in region around Těšín-Cieszyn (i.e. by the border divided old centre of historical county Teschen) or Nord Bohemia-Lusatia and other regions should be scrutinized. The Silesian institute is clearly prepared to study these dimensions. Almost 50 years of changes in transborder regions in the Rhineland can teach us how the supposed medium and large transborder regions in Central Europe will evolve.
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