El aspecto semántico de la prefijación

Title in English Semantic Aspect of Prefixation


Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Encuentro de Hispanistas (Brno, 9.-10. října 2009)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Linguistics
Keywords Spanish; Word Formation; Prefixation; Semantics
Description In different Spanish grammars and studies on word formation, the definition of prefixation is largely based on the semantic contribution of the prefix to the base morpheme. Although most experts agree that the semantic value of the affixes consists in a mere modification of the base, there is clearly a lack of consensus on the extent of this semantic modification and, consequently, the boundary between derivation and composition. As a result, the Spanish studies on word formation vary considerably in the total number of Spanish prefixes and there are also significant differences in the number of semantic categories (concept fields) of prefixes established by different authors.

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