Vybrané faktory podílející se kvalitě života u schizofrenních pacientů v období remise

Title in English Some Factors Influencing Quality of Life in Schizophrenic Patients in Remission


Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sociální procesy a osobnost 2009 (sborník příspěvků), 2009.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Psychology
Keywords quality of life cognitive deficite social support depression schizophrenia
Description The aim of this study was to investigate an influence of selected factors for subjectively evaluated quality of life in schizophrenic patients in remission. Experimental group consisted of 48 patients with schizophrenia in remission and 48 persons without somatic and psychiatric diagnosis. We administered them SQUALA (in adaptation Blatný et al.), MOS, CFQ, BDI-II. Statisticaly significant connection was proved between subjectively evaluated cognitive deficite and subjectively evaluated quality of life, social support and subjectively evaluated quality of life and also between range of depression and subjectively evaluated quality of life.

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