Kdy se to jenom stalo? (Ne)dokonalost paměti na osobní a veřejné události


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Arts. It includes Faculty of Social Studies. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English When did it happen? (Im)perfection of memory for personal and public events


Year of publication 2011
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Description The author focuses on (in)competence of human memory for dates and ways how people arrive at when happened events from their past. Date reconstruction may be a difficult especially when dealing with less important and impersonal events. It is not surprising that people often fail. Dating accuracy is influenced by the way of interviewing, personal characteristics, and type of events. Some people are more accurate, some events are easier to date, and various aided recall techniques may be used. The author examines which sources influence the accuracy most. Finally he outlines the possibilities how to improve the ability to remember dates. The target groups of readers are psychologists, sociologists, doctors, journalists, investigators, or historians who work with temporal aspect of events and people who wish to improve their memory for dates.
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