Psychologické prediktory a koreláty subjektivně vnímaných zdravotních potíží: longitudinální perspektiva

Title in English Psychological predictors and correlates of subjectively assessed health problems: a longitudinal perspective


Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sociální procesy a osobnost. Člověk na cestě životem: Křižovatky a mosty. Sborník příspěvků. (Conference Proceedings)
Keywords longitudinal study; subjectively assessed health; correlates; predictors
Description The study examines the psychological correlates of health problems in people of middle age and their predictors in adolescence. The sample consisted of 74 participants (32 men and 42 woman aged from 41 to 44 years) who participate in the longitudinal study running from 1961. An analysis of data obtained using the methods EPI, SOC, NEO, TCI, Logo-test and Health questionnaire revealed that the most significant predictor of health problems in adulthood is extraversion at age 16. We found in middle age connections between psychosomatic problems and the degree of extraversion, neuroticism, Sense of Coherence and self-directedness. Specific health problems (pain, shortness of breath) in middle age are also connected to the degree of existential frustration and self-directedness. The results of this study highlight the importance of studying the psychological correlates and predictors of health status of individuals in adulthood

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