"Cítím se býti v Orientu". Pohled Čechů na život v bulharských městech na konci 19. století

Title in English "Feel like in the Orient". Czechs about life in Bulgarian city in the late 19th century


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Podoby a proměny města ve slovanských a vybraných neslovanských kulturách, literaturách a jazycích
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Mass media, audiovision
Keywords Bulgaria; East Rumelia; Czech; 19th century; city
Attached files
Description In the chapter is depicted the reality of the Bulgarian city in the late 19th century, as perceived by the Czech intelligentsia. After 1878, when the Bulgarian Principality was liberated and the modern Bulgarian state was founded, a large number of Czech came to live and work in Bulgaria and East Rumelia for several reasons, and were active in a variety of fields. The most visible presence was thet of Czech teachers, lawyers, engineers, architects, artists, and musicians, that is, the members of the contemporary intelligentsia. The author reconstructs for us life in that era in Bulgarians cities using a travelogue, memoirs, and correspondence of Konstantin Jireček, Antonín Šourek, Josef Voráček, Hermenegild Škorpil, Rudolf Thurn-Taxis, Antonín Brožka, and Jan Mrkvička. He also outlines the main traits of society at that time as described by these Czechs, who spent a part of their lives on the Balkan peninsula.
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