Architektur und Literatur – IV. Ringvorlesung des Wissenschaftskolleg Österreich-Bibliothek (Brno/Brünn, Philosophische Fakultät der Masaryk-Universität, 7.10. – 9.12.2013)

Title in English Architecture and literature – IV. lecture series of project Wissenschaftskolleg Österreich-Bibliothek (Brno, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, 7.10. – 9.12.2013)


Year of publication 2014
Type Popularization text
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The fourth lecture series of project Wissenschaftskolleg Österreich-Bibliothek deals with the connection of architecture and literature with special emphasis on Brno and Vienna. Within the project renowned experts from home and abroad delivered lectures which are summarized in the present report.
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