Title in English Genre of fiction’s memoir in Anna Horakova Gasparikova’s writings


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Slovanský literární svět : kontexty a konfrontace II
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Mass media, audiovision
Keywords Anna Horáková-Gašparíková; T.G. Masaryk; memoirs; first Czechoslovak Republic; diary
Description This piece is aimed on the genre of memoirs from the literary theory and its specific use in Anna Horakova Gasparikova writings. The main focus is on the analysis of her best known writing, the memoirs of the first president of Czechoslovakia, which was published after her death under the title „U Masarykovcov. Spomienky osobnej archivarky T.G. Masaryka“. This memoir based on authentic notes from diary of the author represents important history record monitoring everyday life of T.G. Masaryk. Her diaries come into existence as immediate evidence, because the author lived in Masaryk’s house in 1829-1936 alongside with his family members. As his personal archivist and secretary, she had exceptional role that allowed her to be a part of many meetings and discussions (not only the political ones). We are focused on her way of processing the political, cultural and interstate events mainly because the contributions to the writing in form of some sort of religious ideas, personal observations, descriptions of business visits etc. were excluded from the writing due to its great extensity.
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