Sláva bohom! Predkresťanské náboženstvo starých Slovanov v tvorbe Silent Stream of Godless Elegy

Title in English All hail to gods! Pre-christian Slavic religion in music and lyrics of Silent Stream Of Godless Elegy


Year of publication 2020
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The conference paper will present Pagan motives in music and lyrics of Moravian ethno-doom metal band Silent Stream of Godless Elegy. The music band, lead by Radek Hajdu, is first pagan metal band in Czech republic, which first introduced fussion of metal and folklore music. The presentation discussed the textual analysis of band's lyrics, where we can notice the inspiration from perserved Slavic mytologies and local magical tradition. The paper presented an analysis of how is our knowleadge about pre-christian Slavic mythology and religion (re)interpreted in the lyrics of SSOGE and how is the classic doom metal lyrics theme of helplessness fused with (neo)Pagan aesthetics. The research is one chapter of yet to be published author's dissertion thesis.
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