Novokřtěnci, šlechta, panovník: vzájemné kontakty, role a strategie pohledem zemských pramenů předbělohorské Moravy

Title in English Anabaptists, Noblemen, Ruler: Interactions, Roles, and Strategies from the Perspective of the Provincial Sources of (Pre-) White-Mountain Moravia


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Časopis matice moravské
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Anabaptists; nobility; ruler; Moravian Diet; 16th and 17th century
Description The Anabaptists were persecuted as heretics throughout Early Modern Europe, except for Moravia where they, due to the protection of Moravian nobility, were able to settle for one hundred years. The Anabaptists-nobility relation turned out to be crucial for the Anabaptists’ existence and should be further studied. This paper suggests a division of these contacts into three dimensions – the provincial, manorial and personal spheres. The provincial dimension presented in this paper is studied mainly from the perspective of documents from the Moravian Diets and other related sources. As an outcome, we have gained an insight into the interactions, roles, and strategies of the participants involved– the Anabaptists, the Moravian noblemen, and the ruler.
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