Vertaling als adaptatie – een kroket en een worstje – hetzelfde of toch anders?: een lezing en een reeks seminaars

Title in English Translation as Adaptation - a Croquet and a Sausage - the Same Thing?: a lecture and a series of workshops


Year of publication 2020
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description We assume that every literary text, but also sometimes a non-literary text, is situated in a certain cultural-historical context. In this context this text functions and has a certain influence and effect on the reader. The reader has experience with the culture and history of the country of origin of the text. Literary texts are then translated and situated in a different culture-historical environment and context and translated into a target language. From a translation perspective, translations should have the same influence and effect on the reader of the translation as on the reader of the original. However, often there are problems in translating the text with regard to the translation of realia, for example, because sometimes no equivalents exist for some terms, concepts, events. In this lecture we will first determine what we mean by translation and what by adaptation and how it is viewed in translation studies. We are also going to ask ourselves: how does a translator deal with this? How far can a translator go in their translation to make the translation viable in the target culture? How should a translator make an adequate translation in the sense of translation theory? (Knittlová, 2000, Hrdlička, 2014) We will also examine some translations from Dutch and from English into Czech and we will see how far the translator adapts the source text to Czech culture. We discuss to what extent the translations are relevant and functional. We will also briefly look at non-literary texts from Dutch that are often translated commercially and we will give examples of the possible ways of translation.

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