Ein Kriegerbrandgrab aus der mittleren Römischen Kaiserzeit aus Vlkov nad Lesy, Bez. Nymburk (Nimburg)

Title in English A warrior grave from the close of the early Roman period from Vlkov nad Lesy, Nymburk District


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

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Doi http://dx.doi.org/10.11588/berrgk.2017.1.85516
Keywords Vlkov nad Lesy; Lišice; cauldron burial; sword; spurs; warrior grave; Roman period; eastern–central Bohemia
Description The cremation grave at Vlkov nad Lesy/Lišice (also known as Vlkov u Městce Králové) has been known to experts since 1919, when it was first published by Jan Hellich. The circumstances of discovery are outlined on the basis of sources stored at the Polabské Museum in Poděbrady. They primarily comprise notes taken by Jan Hellich and stored in the archaeological department’s archives. Most importantly, the material associ­ ated with the site of Vlkov nad Lesy (inventory no. H 13852) includes a short letter from the local teacher J. Laštovka to the pharmacist J. Hellich informing him of the discovery of a cremation grave. He believed the grave to have been discovered in a sand/gravel pit in an area known as “Vyšehrad”. The ashes had been placed in a bronze cauldron of the NE 3 Westland type, Hauken 1. In addition to the urn, the grave also contained two iron stool­ shaped spurs from the Roman IIa group, a twisted sword and other small artefacts, i.e. casket or drinking­horn hinge fittings and curved ironwork on the sword’s scabbard.
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