Towards Horizontal Relationships : Anarcha Indigenism, Decolonial Animal Ethic, and Indigenous Veganism



Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Canada and Beyond: A Journal of Canadian Literary and Cultural Studies
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Anarcha-Indigenism; Ecofeminism; Decolonization; Environmental Violence; Gender Violence; Interspecies Justice; Artivism; Indigenous Veganism; Kurds; Zapatistas
Description This paper introduces anarcha-Indigenism and a decolonial animal ethic as emerging decolonial frameworks. Anarcha-Indigenism represents an intersection between Indigeneity, anarchism, environmentalism, Indigenous feminism, and other liberation movements as a promising decolonial framework that could initiate transcultural cooperation of diverse justice groups that are committed to change that would ensure the peaceful co-existence of diverse species and ecosystems on Earth. The article introduces anarcha-Indigenism and its primary principles and roots, discusses its potential and analyses some major challenges that anarcha-Indigenism faces. It expands the discussion by introducing Billy-Ray Belcourt?s decolonial animal ethic that connects (de)colonization of Indigenous peoples with (de)colonization of non-human animals. Special attention is paid to perspectives of some prominent Indigenous vegans. Finally, the role of artivism and imagination in decolonization is discussed. The article posits that anarcha-Indigenism needs to include human treatment of non-human animals in the discussion if it strives to establish non-hierarchical interrelations, and that decolonization has to always be at the movement?s core.
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