Nie preplnené žaláre sú znakom vládnej moci. Slovenský štát a druhá svetová vojna vo svetle memoárových záznamov Antona Granatiera

Title in English The Slovak State and the Second World War in the Light of Anton Granatier's Memorial Writings


Year of publication 2023
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Anton Granatier (1894-1954) was a veteran of the Czechoslovak Legions, an expert on the communities of foreign Slovaks and a civil servant. He was imprisoned in Ilava for several months for his public opposition to the establishment of the Slovak state, but after his release he secured a position at the Statistical Office, where he worked until the outbreak of the Slovak National Uprising, in which he took an active part. After the end of the war he was a founding member of the Democratic Party and a member of the Slovak National Council. During the existence of the Slovak state, he produced several longer memorial writings, which are preserved in his personal collection at the Slovak National Archive in Bratislava. In this paper, we will draw attention to this material and the way in which it reveals the changing thinking about the existence of an independent Slovak state, the changes and continuities in the intellectual milieu that surrounded Granatier, and the shaping of plans for the post-war organization of national relations in the re-established Czechoslovakia.
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